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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

East Campus II

I was a little sneaky and at one point did enjoy the creature comforts of air conditioning in the library on campus. 

Hot enough to melt the floor

East Campus with Photo Forum

Ice cream from East Campus was the proverbial carrot dangling before us that made us venture out Monday night for photo forum.  It was sweltering, with no breeze but the company made up for the conditions.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Sunny Days

  It has been at least a month since I have played with layers and textures on an image and let me say I have missed it and realize how quickly I can loose what ever little bit of knowledge I was starting to grasp.  Repetition is the key to this old dog being able to remember what and how and I need to not go so long in between projects or it is like starting over again at this point.  While I like the bright saturated colors of the original, I went for a more subtle tone on my textured image, I guess that is why it is called art.

2LO Textures and On1

Original with only basic LR adjustments

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Annual Pierce 4th of July Gathering

Now that's how you slice a watermelon!

It is a Pierce 4th of July tradition to blow up a watermelon and this years was spectacular.  Bruce provided the denotation device, he and Cory installed it and the rest was history.