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Thursday, October 20, 2016

U.P. Steam Engine #844 Trek to Tennesse

  The Union Pacific Steam Team completed an all-systems check of the No. 844 steam locomotive on July 12, marking the icon’s return to the main line after a three-year absence.  The locomotive’s overhaul was so significant – extensive firebox repair, rebuilt air brakes and piping, new flues and tubes and, of course, a fresh, glossy coat of paint.
  Dan and I Saturday started out early in the morning in Fairbury, Nebraska and chased it all the way to Topeka, Kansas, cross country, getting video and different images from different locations.  Sometimes we were able to beat it the next crossing and other times not but had a great day chasing it.  It was quite the adventure, very minimum maintained roads which at times were barely cow paths in a field, sliding to a stop to jump out with your camera just in time to get a quick shot off before it would blow by and then jump back in Clide and race off to the next crossing!  It is quite a grand old train to see and we were amazed at the speed it was traveling, met a lot a great train and photo enthusiast's along the way also, which added to the experience.


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