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Monday, January 11, 2016

Love Letter or Junk Mail?

  Around 2004 I read a devotion and for the life of me I can not find where I saved it, I think it was on my old laptop that has long since went to laptop heaven.  I can not remember who wrote it but it has stayed with me all these years.  I have over time been saving stories, devotions and songs that have spoken to me and hope to someday be able to capture photos that will enhance these words of wisdom and then have it made into a book, this is one of those devotion.
  It was about how do we treat the Word of God.  Do we cherish it, treasure the words, get thrilled to read it just like we would a love letter from our Dearly Beloved or do we toss it on the table like the junk mail?  I have all my cards, letters and notes from Dan, some tied up in beautiful ribbon, why would I treat the love letters from the God who loved me enough to die for me with any less devotion?

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